Next Step
WHIPAC’s Next Steps
Environmental Review
In July 2013, the County of Hawaii ,WHIPAC and Community Stakeholders accepted a “preferred design” for the regional park plan. The immediate next step shall be to conduct the environmental assessment (EA). In 1990, Dr. Rosenthal conducted the initial environmental impact statement (EIS). The “environmental assessment” will update the 1990 EIS and set the stage to initiate the next step in the planning process to implement and execute the environmental, social, and cultural requirements of the EA .
Water!, Under the current Executive Order, the Regional Park will be required to mitigate the issues of “ treating” the effluent sewage water to be used at the Regional Park for irrigation, which requires upgrading the County sewage facility. A common practice and a requirement of the Governor’s Executive Order, WHIPAC and the County of Hawaii, will need to make this a “priority” as water resources in Kona are limited and reclaiming Kona’s effluent sewage water is better for our environment.
WHIPAC Strategic Planning
WHIPAC is committed to ensuring the Kealakehe Regional Park “preferred plan” is executed with a deliberate course of action to include but not limited to, initiating a strategic plan, the completion of the EA, mitigating and planning the recycling of Kona’s effluent sewage water, and seeking the necessary funding with the County of Hawaii to bring the Kealakehe Regional Park from vision to reality.